Friday, December 6, 2013

The Friday Five...

{ Another successful Christmas tree expedition. A truly beautiful day...a little snow
on the ground, a little chill in the air, and a beautiful sun bright above. Perfect : )  }

{ A day of antiquing with my sister in Asheville.  I found the most amazing rusty tin letters!  How really rusty, old letters can be so expensive...I have no idea.  Have to have them though : )  }

{ Lots of family means lots and lots of pie.  LOVE Thanksgiving get-togethers }

{ My sweet girl won the trust of this mare after the most amazing 12 minutes of them
figuring each other out.  Her patience and love for animals is awe-inspiring }

{ Jas and I became God parents to our adorable niece Cora.  The ceremony was at
Duke Chapel, which I had never seen before.  It was beautiful }

What are Your Five?

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