Monday, July 30, 2012

Garage Girls: Workout #18


Today's workout is based off a Crossfit workout named "Barbara", but again I am adding a little running into the mix.  If you want to do the traditional "Barbara" workout then leave off the two 400m runs.

I have spent two weekends in a row in the NC mountains...and I wish I could say that I have been hiking, climbing, camping...but no,  I was doing none of those things.  I was at the Bele Cher Music Festival in Asheville, enjoying everything Bele Cher had to offer...and it was amazing! But now, I have some work to do and this workout is where I begin....

     Warm-up: ( 3 rounds )

     5 supermans (hold to count of three)
     10 mountain climbers

     Workout: (for time)

     run 400 m

     ***5 rounds of-
     20 pull-ups
     30 push-ups
     40 sit-ups
     50 squats

     run 400 m

Have fun : )

Okay...a bit ambitious, I must admit now.  "Struggling" is not severe enough a word to express how I got through this work out today.  I am not sure what it was, but my legs felt like jello and I don't think I could have done even one more sit-up.  Probably 4 rounds would have been do-able and would not have involved as much groaning and the ever-constant inner dialogue of curse words.

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